Creating a Resume With LaTeX
2019-01-09, CALUG
Mr. Delrue will answer the questions:
- Basics of resumes, because why not?
- Does it puzzle you why your resume is a binary blob even when you are working with it yourself?
- Are you annoyed with using or having to use WYSIWYG editors to write your resume?
- Have you always yearned for a clearer separation between the content of your resume and its presentation?
- Do you dislike that your resume is just text without semantics?
- Do you have multiple equivalent versions of your resume without an easy way to track which contains what?
- Have you secretly wished your resume could be more like code?
Mr. Delrue will walk the CALUG through his approach for writing and maintaining his resume. He uses LaTeX, make and version-control software to write, maintain, and manage his resume. While not a recruiter, Thomas does read his fair share of resumes as part of his daytime job. He will also share some of his own pet peeves, likes, and dislikes with resumes that he sees flying across his desk.
If you have any questions regarding your own resume that you do not mind sharing with the group, bring your resume along and ask away at the end.