Site Link | Site Description |
CERTs and Advisories | |
CERT | Carnegie Mellon University's (CMU) Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) site. |
CERT Vulnerability Notes | The CMU-maintained National CERT Vulnerability Notes database. |
National Vulnerability Database | A cyber security vulnerability database hosted by NIST that integrates all publicly available U.S. Government vulnerability resources and provides references to industry resources |
BugTraq | Security Focus' BugTraq database. |
Internet Storm Center | The ISC provides a free analysis and warning service to thousands of Internet users and organizations. |
Security Organizations | |
Institute for Security and Open Methodologies | An open, collaborative, security research community. |
IEEE Cyber Security Community | The IEEE's open community for computer security, education, and best practices. |
Wikipedia List | Wikipedia's list of computer security organizations. |
Security News | |
Bulletproof TLS | Feisty Duck's TLS-focused monthly newsletter. |
Security Products | |
Metasploit | The Metasploit project for penetration testing. |
Metasploit Cheat Sheet | A Metasploit "cheat sheet" in various (HTML, PDF, JPEG) formats. |
Fear the Metasploit Framework | An article explaining the Metasploit framework. |
Essential Security Tools | Hacker Target's list of the 15 most useful Open Source computer security tools. |
Debian Auditing Tools | A list of packages available within the Debian archive which are designed to aid source code audits. |
Security Information | |
Debian Auditing Project | A site with information regarding the auditing of the source code of all setui/setgid binaries within the Debian Stable Release. |
SANS Institute | The SANS Institute provides training and resources for computer security. |
Top 20 Controls | Center for Internet Security list of top 20 security controls. |
Writing Shellcode for Linux and *BSD | A programmer-targeted tutorial on writing shellcodes. |
Exploit Database | Offensive Security's database with exploit code for analysis. |
The Joy of Cryptography | Mike Rosulek's free undergraduate textbook introducing students to the fundamentals of provable security. |
Linux Security | |
Linux Security | was launched in 1996 by a group of Open Source enthusiasts and security experts. |
SELinux | Security-Enhanced (SE) Linux project site. |
Linux Security Principles | Penguin Tutor's Linux-focused security overview. |
Linux Security for Beginners | Linuxtopia's Linux Security for Beginners guide. |
Compiled by Jim Sansing
Maintained by Bernie Karmilowicz
Please send update requests to webmaster
This page was last updated November 30, 2021.