Suggested Topics for CALUG Presentations
Subject Area Topic Presentation Description Speaker
Booting Boot loaders Lilo and Grub open
Boot process Basic steps, tuning performance, troubleshooting open
Filesystems Ext2/3 Creation, tuning, and troubleshooting open
ReiserFS Creation, tuning, and troubleshooting open
NFS Creation, tuning, and troubleshooting open
Others Creation, tuning, and troubleshooting open
Memory management Top, vmstat, free, etc. How they work, tuning, and troubleshooting open
Process management Top, ps, lsof, nice, kill, etc. How they work, tuning, and troubleshooting open
Networking Ifconfig and netstat Configuration, tuning, and troubleshooting open
Iptables How they work, configuration, and troubleshooting open
Network security Tools, configuration, interpretation open