[CALUG] What would YOU do?

Miguel Centrino migc570 at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 11 01:53:46 CST 2006

The time you are wasting trying to hide and obfuscate your code, could be better used to write the C/C+.
 The thing to remember:
 If you don't have the time to do it now,
 when are you going to have the time?

Jason Dixon <jason at dixongroup.net> wrote: On Mar 10, 2006, at 8:23 AM, Jason C. Miller wrote:

> For the sake of trying to keep code proprietary in the interim , does
> anybody have any ideas as to how one could maintain the scripts in
> a way that would make it difficult for someone else to understand
> the logic that executes within them?
> As an example, I considered writing the scripts in PERL
> and using perlcc to compile the scripts into system binaries.  This  
> would
> allow me to maintain the scripts for development but deploy them as
> binaries for delivery. However, in the past, I haven't been very  
> pleased
> with the perl compiler and would be happy to avoid it.

As a pragmatic Perl developer, I would think its native syntactical  
quirks would be enough to obfuscate its intent without any additional  
compilation.  ;-)

Jason Dixon
DixonGroup Consulting

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